Absolute Anonymität

bbc1 bbc2 cracker lo

Paul Daniels: Magicians illusion

bbc_paul_daniels iron maiden bbc_paul_daniels iron maiden 02 paul daniels install lo  

Video Iron Maiden

Exterminate! Remembrance of the Daleks

doctor_who_remembrance_of_the_daleks darlek01 dr who exhibition

dalek cream lo dalek cream top lo dr who thanks lo

“The blue-grey Daleks were old wooden ones that had to be refurbished due to budget constraints.

We used to buy the lights on top from a car spares shop in Acton. The cream ones were I believe the first fiberglass ones and made by the plaster/molding workshop at BBC Acton.

The VIS FX department fitted them out and made the ball wheel frames.

 The special weapons Dalek turned up at the Dr. Who Exhibition in Cardiff, I don’t know if its the original “

darlek02 dalek wood lo dalek wood top lo

Top of the Pops: Production planning for the dry ice effect

pops lo top pops 02 top pops 03

Video Dry Ice

Light Entertainment: Only Fools and Horses

fools and horses

” I was sent to the props room in television center and spent the morning trying to stick plastic patches to adult inflatable dolls to cover their private parts. Not much sticks for obvious reasons. Filming was spent crouched behind the bar with a compressed air cylinder and partially inflated dolls which then popped up on cue”

Video Only Fools and Horses Dolls

Dr Who: Dragonfire

dr who creature 0 set 01 set 02

set 03 head sculpt 2 lo   body sculpt lo

back detail scuplt lo dr who creature 4 feet lo

Light Entertainment: Gunge

gunge 02

Video Noels House Party Gunge

Gunge and Props: Double Dare Children’s obstacle course

gunge 01 slime 02 lo

slime lo double dare lo

Video Double Dare Gunge

Fire and explosions: Crimewatch

fire01 bang

fire02 chris and dave lo

Video Crimewatch

Period drama: Smoke and rain

roof rain 

Video Story of a Recluse Rain

Historical reconstruction: John Logie Baird mechanical television

baird logie explode lo logie lo


prop03 plane prop01

Mechanical props: Exploding food mixer

prop02 mixer lo

Breakable and Rubber Props

break01 break02

A Royal Event: The Royal Variety Performance

invite lo royal variety lo

The Workshop in Acton

workshop bbc work shop bbc vis fx 1989

Staff Structure

bbc vi fx staff lo

Books relating to the department:

The Technique of Special Effects in Television (2nd Edition) by Bernard Wilkie

Published 1993 by Focal Press ISBN-13: 978-0-240-51361-4, ISBN: 0-240-51361-4

A Peculiar Effect on the BBC by Bernard Wilkie

Publisher: Miwk Publishing Ltd (29 Sept. 2015) ISBN-10: 1908630221 ISBN-13: 978-1908630223

BBC VFX: The Story of the BBC Visual Effects Department by Mat Irvine and Mike Tucker

Publisher: Aurum Press Ltd (11 Nov 2010) ISBN-10: 1845135563 ISBN-13: 978-1845135560